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Bringing A More Youthful Look To The Neck Area

September 22, 2017

While, understandably, most people tend to focus on the face when it comes to issues caused by ageing or other concerns, the neck area is worthy of attention too.

A smooth jawline, and a defined silhouette in this area, from the neck to the chin, is often one of the most aesthetically pleasing and desirable aesthetic attributes. A double chin is a very common concern for a lot of people, however. It is caused by an excess of fat and skin in this area, which impacts on the definition of the whole jawline, particularly when viewed from the side. Even the fittest and slimmest of people can carry some extra fat or fullness here and it is a particularly tricky area to deal with through weight loss alone.

Ageing can impact on this area too. As we age, the structures in the skin break down, which can lead to sagging in the face and neck. Gravity also plays a role so it is quite common for the neck area to loosen and sag as the years pass, creating jowls and a softening of definition. This can result in a more aged appearance.

Unsurprisingly, having a double chin can have quite an impact on self-esteem but there are a number of treatment to help address this issue.

Targeted liposuction can be particularly effective. Liposuction is often thought of as a weight loss treatment but in fact it is geared towards treating pockets of fat and is very good for the removal of localised excess fat in the neck area. A skilled surgeon will be able to sculpt and contour this area to give a better definition and enhanced contour.

A second option, for more pronounced instances of a double chin or lack of definition is a neck lift. This procedure is also known as a lower rhytidectomy, and can help to create a smoother and more defined neck. This in turn can result in a more youthful appearance overall. It is often used in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift.

It is quite a detailed procedure as it tends to involve addressing three main structures within the neck. There are two fatty layers, two thin muscles called the platysma muscles, and of course the skin, an excess of which can be removed. It can also incorporate some liposuction if necessary. Surgery can take two to four hours and is generally performed by keyhole surgery or by incision.


While the aim of the procedure is to restore or create a defined neck and silhouette, the surgery is very much tailored to the individual and the surgeon needs to work with more than just the neck in mind. Any changes to this area need to take the rest of the features into account. There needs to be an aesthetic balance and the surgeon must work to create results that not only address the issue at hand but also work well with the face.

A more defined, tighter neck, jawline and chin can give a patient the youthful appearance they would like to keep, taking years off the overall look and boosting self-confidence.

If you are considering a neck lift or any other cosmetic surgery procedure, we can advise on the best options for you. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Find out all you need to know about cosmetic procedures and the factors you need to consider in our free guide: Considerations Before Deciding on Cosmetic Surgery and Post-Treatment Care:

Download Mr. Chan's Guide to Cosmetic Surgery Considerations


While, understandably, most people tend to focus on the face when it comes to issues caused by ageing or other concerns, the neck area is worthy of attention too.

A smooth jawline, and a defined silhouette in this area, from the neck to the chin, is often one of the most aesthetically pleasing and desirable aesthetic attributes. A double chin is a very common concern for a lot of people, however. It is caused by an excess of fat and skin in this area, which impacts on the definition of the whole jawline, particularly when viewed from the side. Even the fittest and slimmest of people can carry some extra fat or fullness here and it is a particularly tricky area to deal with through weight loss alone.

Ageing can impact on this area too. As we age, the structures in the skin break down, which can lead to sagging in the face and neck. Gravity also plays a role so it is quite common for the neck area to loosen and sag as the years pass, creating jowls and a softening of definition. This can result in a more aged appearance.

Unsurprisingly, having a double chin can have quite an impact on self-esteem but there are a number of treatment to help address this issue.

Targeted liposuction can be particularly effective. Liposuction is often thought of as a weight loss treatment but in fact it is geared towards treating pockets of fat and is very good for the removal of localised excess fat in the neck area. A skilled surgeon will be able to sculpt and contour this area to give a better definition and enhanced contour.

A second option, for more pronounced instances of a double chin or lack of definition is a neck lift. This procedure is also known as a lower rhytidectomy, and can help to create a smoother and more defined neck. This in turn can result in a more youthful appearance overall. It is often used in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift.

It is quite a detailed procedure as it tends to involve addressing three main structures within the neck. There are two fatty layers, two thin muscles called the platysma muscles, and of course the skin, an excess of which can be removed. It can also incorporate some liposuction if necessary. Surgery can take two to four hours and is generally performed by keyhole surgery or by incision.


While the aim of the procedure is to restore or create a defined neck and silhouette, the surgery is very much tailored to the individual and the surgeon needs to work with more than just the neck in mind. Any changes to this area need to take the rest of the features into account. There needs to be an aesthetic balance and the surgeon must work to create results that not only address the issue at hand but also work well with the face.

A more defined, tighter neck, jawline and chin can give a patient the youthful appearance they would like to keep, taking years off the overall look and boosting self-confidence.

If you are considering a neck lift or any other cosmetic surgery procedure, we can advise on the best options for you. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Find out all you need to know about cosmetic procedures and the factors you need to consider in our free guide: Considerations Before Deciding on Cosmetic Surgery and Post-Treatment Care:

Download Mr. Chan's Guide to Cosmetic Surgery Considerations


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