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Beyond the Surgery: What You Need to Know About the Before and After Stages of Cosmetic Surgery

October 13, 2017
Before And After

Choosing a skilled, experienced and fully-accredited surgeon working in a reliable clinic or hospital is priority number one when it comes to having any sort of cosmetic surgery procedure. However, there is also a lot you can do before and after to help to maximise the benefits of any treatment you might be getting done. Here I have outlined some of the better steps to take to help your body bounce back after a procedure or surgery.

Pre-surgery prep

When considering cosmetic surgery, before you even sit down with a surgeon to discuss the procedure you want, there are steps you can take to boost your health and thereby help to improve the healing process.

Number one on my list would be to stop smoking. In broad terms, smoking is of course not at all good for you. It can lead to a huge amount of health concerns such as cancers, stroke, heart disease and much more.

From a surgery perspective, being a smoker can have a serious impact on healing. Smoking restricts the blood vessels, which means less oxygen reaches the cells. Oxygen is essential for your body to heal itself properly after surgery. Many surgeons would recommend that you stop smoking at least six weeks prior to having a procedure done, but of course, giving up smoking completely will provide innumerable benefits now and in the future.

Diet and general health are of course also very important. A healthy body will heal more quickly and more effectively. With regards to weight, it is always advisable that a person is at a healthy weight before undertaking the more significant surgeries such as body contouring procedures.

Also, if someone is undergoing severe weight loss, and is hoping to deal with, for example, excess skin around the tummy or the upper arms, it is important they are in or around their goal weight before treatment. This is because if there is much more weight to be lost, their bodies will go through further changes. It is much better to wait and then have the procedure.

Before And After 2

Skincare is also important when it comes to treatments such as a facelift. Well cared for, well- hydrated skin tends to heal more efficiently. In general terms too, caring for your skin will help significantly in keeping your skin looking smooth and hydrated, and there are very effective cosmeceutical ranges available that can even delay the need for peels and other treatments.

Post-surgery care

The aftercare prescribed for any cosmetic surgery procedure or treatment is very important. In my view, any guidelines given to you by your surgeon will be compulsory, not optional. However, do ask for the reasons and an explanation if you are unsure or unclear about the post-operative instructions.

Always follow any instructions you are given relating to aftercare. This could be anything from increased rest to avoiding strenuous activity for a number of weeks after your procedure. Make sure to attend any follow up appointments, as they allow your surgeon to make sure you are healing properly.

It is also important to trust your surgeon regarding results. With some procedures, you won’t see the full results for a matter of weeks, or even months. There may be bruising or swelling and it can seem as though the treatment didn’t go as well as planned, or you may have doubts to overcome, but this may be an interim phase.

This is an important question to ask during the consultation before your treatment, so you know what to expect, but your surgeon should outline all of this clearly to you from the start.

If you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure, we can advise on the best options for you. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Find out all you need to know about cosmetic procedures and the factors you need to consider in our free guide: Considerations Before Deciding on Cosmetic Surgery and Post-Treatment Care:

Download Mr. Chan's Guide to Cosmetic Surgery Considerations

Before And After

Choosing a skilled, experienced and fully-accredited surgeon working in a reliable clinic or hospital is priority number one when it comes to having any sort of cosmetic surgery procedure. However, there is also a lot you can do before and after to help to maximise the benefits of any treatment you might be getting done. Here I have outlined some of the better steps to take to help your body bounce back after a procedure or surgery.

Pre-surgery prep

When considering cosmetic surgery, before you even sit down with a surgeon to discuss the procedure you want, there are steps you can take to boost your health and thereby help to improve the healing process.

Number one on my list would be to stop smoking. In broad terms, smoking is of course not at all good for you. It can lead to a huge amount of health concerns such as cancers, stroke, heart disease and much more.

From a surgery perspective, being a smoker can have a serious impact on healing. Smoking restricts the blood vessels, which means less oxygen reaches the cells. Oxygen is essential for your body to heal itself properly after surgery. Many surgeons would recommend that you stop smoking at least six weeks prior to having a procedure done, but of course, giving up smoking completely will provide innumerable benefits now and in the future.

Diet and general health are of course also very important. A healthy body will heal more quickly and more effectively. With regards to weight, it is always advisable that a person is at a healthy weight before undertaking the more significant surgeries such as body contouring procedures.

Also, if someone is undergoing severe weight loss, and is hoping to deal with, for example, excess skin around the tummy or the upper arms, it is important they are in or around their goal weight before treatment. This is because if there is much more weight to be lost, their bodies will go through further changes. It is much better to wait and then have the procedure.

Before And After 2

Skincare is also important when it comes to treatments such as a facelift. Well cared for, well- hydrated skin tends to heal more efficiently. In general terms too, caring for your skin will help significantly in keeping your skin looking smooth and hydrated, and there are very effective cosmeceutical ranges available that can even delay the need for peels and other treatments.

Post-surgery care

The aftercare prescribed for any cosmetic surgery procedure or treatment is very important. In my view, any guidelines given to you by your surgeon will be compulsory, not optional. However, do ask for the reasons and an explanation if you are unsure or unclear about the post-operative instructions.

Always follow any instructions you are given relating to aftercare. This could be anything from increased rest to avoiding strenuous activity for a number of weeks after your procedure. Make sure to attend any follow up appointments, as they allow your surgeon to make sure you are healing properly.

It is also important to trust your surgeon regarding results. With some procedures, you won’t see the full results for a matter of weeks, or even months. There may be bruising or swelling and it can seem as though the treatment didn’t go as well as planned, or you may have doubts to overcome, but this may be an interim phase.

This is an important question to ask during the consultation before your treatment, so you know what to expect, but your surgeon should outline all of this clearly to you from the start.

If you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure, we can advise on the best options for you. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Find out all you need to know about cosmetic procedures and the factors you need to consider in our free guide: Considerations Before Deciding on Cosmetic Surgery and Post-Treatment Care:

Download Mr. Chan's Guide to Cosmetic Surgery Considerations


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